Women in science and business


Three exceptional women with impressive professional experience were guests of the event entitled "Women in Business", which took place on March 6, 2023 at the Faculty of Management, on the initiative of the Scientific Club of Financial Management PROFIT.

– The event was related to the celebration of International Women's Day. We wanted to show women who have achieved success in the world of science and business and who can be an example for other women. The topics discussed were particularly inspiring for everyone who intends to start a scientific career or enter the business world - argues Prof. Artur Paździor, head of the Department of Finance and Accounting at Lublin University of Technology and supervisor of the Scientific Club of Financial Management PROFIT.

The speakers were ladies with many scientific and business successes in their resumes. These are women who represent the academic community and the world of industry on a daily basis:

  • Dr. Ilona Skibińska-Fabrowska (lecturer at the Department of Insurance and Investments at the Faculty of Economics of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, director of the NBP Regional Branch in Lublin);
  • Marzena Strok-Sadło (member of the Management Board of the Lublin Medicine Cluster and head of the Department of Economic Ecosystems and Business Infrastructure);
  • Joanna Smuszkiewicz-Biłyk (member of the Management Board of Kazimierzówka Hotel, co-owner of EKO-GEO Consulting).

- Participants of the meeting could listen to practical tips and advice on how to best manage their professional development and what solutions support women's entrepreneurship and enable them to start their own business - says Łukasz Bucior from the Scientific Club of Financial Management PROFIT.

Interestingly, none of the speakers, entering the labor market, imagined that in a dozen or so years they would be where they are today.

As Marzena Strok-Sadło recalls, when she finished her studies and started working, she preferred to focus on her family. However, in spite of this, it was she who received the most difficult tasks from her superiors. She treated them as challenges and an opportunity to gain new experiences.

In turn, Joanna Smuszkiewicz-Biłyk, despite her plans to get a job in a bank, abandoned this intention quite quickly, after three days of practice. – Maybe my professional life developed a bit by chance, or maybe I was guided by intuition. I just did what I liked – said Smuszkiewicz-Biłyk. And she added: - My hotel business was established 10 years ago. The beginnings were very difficult because I had absolutely no idea how to run a hotel. I had to learn everything. At present, I redirected my career to what I had been doing before, i.e. writing revitalization programs and cooperating with local governments.

Marzena Strok-Sadło encouraged people gathered in the lecture hall to dream, to be brave and not to be afraid to try. This was the case with her: - When in 1990 I was an assistant at the Faculty of Economics, I really wanted to go to the USA to learn how Americans teach economics and management. Due to some rules in the department at the time, it turned out to be impossible. So I wrote to these universities and two of them responded positively. As a result, I was invited as a visiting professor.

Dr. Ilona Skibińska-Fabrowska is an academic teacher and at the same time the director of the NBP Regional Branch in Lublin. How does she manage to combine these two responsible functions? – I think it is because I like both of them, mainly because they are inspiring and developing. In addition, the more tasks I have, the more mobilized I am. What is important is the ability to manage oneself over time, self-discipline, but also the ability to manage one's resources rationally so as not to burn out.

An important issue that emerged during the meeting was work-life balance. - We are trying to strike that balance. We make decisions and choices every day. Of course, it is not easy – admitted Joanna Smuszkiewicz-Biłyk.

All the ladies confirmed unanimously that it is important to build relationships and cooperate with other people.

- You'll end up in different places, and that's where personal contacts can come in handy. The more of these relations, the more opportunities in the future - said Dr. Ilona Skibińska-Fabrowska to the audience.

Joanna Smuszkiewicz-Biłyk spoke in a similar tone: – It is extremely important who we work with, who we surround ourselves with and what kind of people we choose for specific positions. This is the key to success. Without people, I would not be able to accomplish many things.

At the end of the meeting, Prof. Artur Paździor thanked the ladies for their participation in the event and all the interesting stories, not only from their professional life.



Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki Lubelskiej" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17

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