We are proud of our scientists


February 19 is the Polish Science Day. This is the result of the act adopted by the Sejm on January 9, 2020. Its date is related to the anniversary of the birth of Nicolaus Copernicus, one of the most outstanding Polish researchers.

The Polish Science Day is an expression of recognition for the achievements of Polish scientists who contribute to the progress and development of knowledge. This is an opportunity to appreciate their work and passion. And an inspiration to follow their footsteps.

As noted by the rector, Prof. Zbigniew Pater, Lublin University of Technology can boast of significant scientific achievements not only in the national but also international research space.

– Cooperation with foreign academic centers, prestigious awards and presence in world rankings, e.g. in the list of the most influential people in science "World's Top 2% Scientists". Last year, there were as many as 21 scientists associated with Lublin University of Technology in the list. This is a confirmation of our high scientific position - says the rector.

There are 575 academic teachers working at LUT. Their research helps find answers to the most important challenges. Scientists have a significant impact on the development of new technologies and innovative solutions in many areas of economic and social life. Their work covers a wide range of topics - from ecological construction, through the preservation of national heritage, to artificial intelligence and energy transformation.

As the rector emphasizes, many of these studies have practical applications and bring real solutions to the problems we struggle with every day.

– We take care of the legal protection of research results. In 2023 alone, we obtained as many as 138 positive decisions, mainly regarding inventions and utility models. This is an important element supporting technology transfer. Thanks to this, innovative solutions developed by our scientists can be introduced to the market faster, which contributes to the development of the region and increasing the competitiveness of the Polish economy - says Prof. Zbigniew Pater.

On the occasion of the Polish Science Day, Dariusz Wieczorek, the Minister of Science, presented awards to the most outstanding representatives of the scientific and academic community. Prof. Sylwester Samborski and his team: Dr. Eng. Jakub Rzeczkowski, Dr. Eng. Jakub Skoczylas and M. Eng. Jakub Paśnik, were honored for significant achievements in scientific activities. The Lublin researchers were appreciated for creating an international scientific and research school in the field of research on damage phenomena in modern construction materials.

– Science is needed in the Polish economy, it is essential in creating new jobs. Today, Polish companies should oblige themselves to provide funds for research and development - said the Minister of Science during the awards ceremony.

What to wish the scientists on their holiday?

– Constant passion and curiosity that will drive them to discover new knowledge. And also satisfaction from research work. Let them be proud of the achievements they make and let them be aware of how important their role is in the development of science and society - says the rector.


Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki Lubelskiej" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17

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