Student Research Clubs Fair for the first time at LUT


Lots of exhibitors, and even more visitors. The Student Research Clubs Fair was held for the first time at Lublin University of Technology. The event was organized on October 12, 2022 at the Center for Innovation and Advanced Technologies.

- The pandemic took a heavy toll on student research clubs, several of them ceased to exist, a few suspended their activities, and many complained about a small number of members. So we decided to organize a fair that would allow our students to get acquainted with the rich offer of research work at our University - says Prof. Paweł Droździel, vice-rector for education.

Nearly 30 research clubs had their stands. - Their members were eager to talk about their achievements, thanks to which other students could consciously decide to choose their own scientific path. While in the club, you can participate in many competitions and interesting projects. It is an investment in your development and invaluable experience - emphasizes Edyta Rola, the president of the Research Club of Managers.

There were many attractions waiting for the fair participants. You could see, among others, a Mars rover, a hydrogen-powered vehicle, a small hovercraft or a 3D printer. Some participants took part in workshops on the skills desired by modern enterprises. The experts answered the question of what competences would guarantee an attractive job for today's students.

Dr. Eng. Jakub Bis, the supervisor of the Research Club of Managers, now an academic teacher and once a member of the club, recalled his experiences: - I was active in such an organization, and even I was the president of the club, which I supervise now. I always recommend young people to be active outside the standard university classes. It gives many benefits. It is in research clubs that there are people who often later become assistants, lecturers and professors. It is here that students take their first and very valuable steps to their future professional career.

We asked the fair participants about their impressions.

Justyna, student from the Faculty of Management: - I have been a member of the Research Club of Managers for one year, and in retrospect I can say that it was a very good decision. In the club, you can meet interesting people and carry out valuable projects with them, such as scientific conferences or trainings. Thanks to my activity in the research club, I feel that I am developing.

Marcin, student from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: - I was considering joining a research club or other student organization, but I didn't really know how to do it. It seemed to me that research clubs are hermetically closed groups, and here it turns out that everyone at the Fair encourages me to join their organization. I really have a problem which club to choose. I’m very interested in the offer of the club supervised by professor Gardyński. Interesting vehicles are being built there. I am glad that I visited the Fair.


Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki Lubelskiej" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17

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