Record number of patents for inventions


In 2023, the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland granted 129 decisions on patents for inventions to scientists from Lublin University of Technology. For comparison: a year earlier there were 97 such decisions, and in 2013 only 39.

Why does the university need patents? – A patent is one of the tools that allows universities to develop scientific research, engage in technology transfer, cooperate with industry and improve their scientific position – says the rector, Prof. Zbigniew Pater.

According to the rector, the increase in the number of patents is proof of the high scientific level of its employees and the high effectiveness of activities in promoting cooperation with business and protecting intellectual property.

Maciej Nowicki, patent attorney of Lublin University of Technology, talks about how to obtain a patent: – Of course, certain conditions must be met. The solution must be new, involve an inventive step and be capable of being used in any industrial activity. You can apply to the patent office for, among others: production and manufacturing methods, products, new applications of known products, devices, trademarks and industrial designs.

For many years, Lublin University of Technology has been at the forefront of national universities in terms of the number of submitted and granted patents for inventions. This is confirmed by the "Perspektywy" ranking, in which LUT takes 2nd place in the innovation category, with the maximum number of points for patents and protection rights.

As Paweł Chrapowicki, director of the Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer of LUT, points out, universities file patent applications, hoping that they will constitute an offer and an incentive for business.

- Having patents allows the university to transfer technology to industry. Companies can license the rights to use patented solutions, which can generate revenue for universities. Cooperation with enterprises in the commercialization of research results can also accelerate the transfer of innovations to the market - explains the director.

Very often, solutions are created at the request of a specific company. From the point of view of commercialization, they are the most effective because they can provide the company with a competitive advantage in a short time.

The patents received by the Lublin scientists include solutions that can be used on a large scale, including: a method for producing semi-finished products, a device for air purification and conditioning, a pneumatic device for removing paving stones, and an aluminum-glass laminate resistant to impact and bending, which can be used for aircraft wings. The list of obtained patents also includes a device that enables uniform and mechanical mixing of the adhesive composition.

The director of the Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer emphasizes that the key factor characterizing a successful solution is its implementation potential and the possibility of practical application.

– The invention should respond to real market needs. Market analysis and understanding the problems entrepreneurs face are key to creating innovations - says Chrapowicki.


Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki Lubelskiej" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17

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