Our student examined consumer behavior and won an award


What do consumers consider when making purchasing decisions? Roksana Prantel, currently a management graduate of Lublin University of Technology, investigated this phenomenon using eye tracking technology. Her thesis won 3rd place in the 9th National Competition named after Prof. Roman Głowacki for the best Bachelor's degree thesis in the field of marketing, trade and consumption.

The aim of the study was to check whether the color of product packaging affects the purchasing decisions made by consumers. To solve this research problem, she combined the traditional survey method with a research experiment conducted using an eye tracker. It involved presenting the subjects with slides containing packaging of everyday products (food products: energy drink, chocolate bar, chips, French fries, and cosmetics: face cream, toothpaste, soap, body lotion) in four colors (yellow, red, blue and green). This allowed to determine which color of the packaging of individual products most attracted the respondents' attention. Then, a slide with a survey questionnaire was displayed, in which the respondent was asked to choose the color of the item they liked the most and to indicate their willingness to buy an item in that color.

This is what Roksana Prantel says about the experiment’s results: – It turned out that the colors of objects that respondents most often pay attention to were their subsequent choices in 75% of cases, confirming the importance of eye scanning analysis in marketing research – explains the student. She adds: - The research has shown that in the case of cosmetics, the most frequently chosen color is blue.

As noted by her supervisor, Dr. Eng. Jan Laskowski, head of the Laboratory of Applications of Neuroscience in Management and Marketing (NeuroLab), the conclusions from the work are of significant importance both for scientists studying consumer behavior and for practitioners in the field of marketing and industrial design.

– Neuroimaging methods, such as eye tracking, can be a source of detailed information regarding the purchasing decision-making process, and specifically consumer preferences expressed in their subconscious reactions to specific stimuli. This information can be used to design better, more personalized products, services and marketing strategies, thereby increasing the effectiveness of marketing communications and customer satisfaction - emphasizes Dr. Laskowski.

The competition was organized by the Polish Scientific Marketing Society.



Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki Lubelskiej" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17

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