Our scientists in the Committees of the Polish Academy of Sciences


Eighteen specialists from Lublin University of Technology became members of the Scientific Committees of the Polish Academy of Sciences, which begin their term of office in 2024. Their members were selected through elections.

Representatives of Lublin University of Technology are present in 9 out of 71 committees operating in the structures of the Polish Academy of Sciences:

Committee of Mechanics

  • Prof. Jerzy WARMIŃSKI

Committee of Civil Engineering

  • Prof. Anna HALICKA
  • Prof. Wojciech FRANUS

Committee of Environmental Engineering

  • Prof. Małgorzata PAWŁOWSKA

Committee of Machine Building

  • Prof. Jerzy JÓZWIK
  • Prof. Zbigniew PATER

Committee of Transport

  • Prof. Paweł DROŹDZIEL

Committee of Production Engineering

  • Prof. Arkadiusz GOLA
  • Prof. Antoni ŚWIĆ

Committee of Electrical Engineering

  • Prof. Wojciech JARZYNA
  • Prof. Henryka Danuta STRYCZEWSKA

Committee of Metrology and Scientific Equipment

  • Prof. Sławomir CIĘSZCZYK
  • Prof. Oleksandra HOTRA
  • Prof. Piotr KISAŁA
  • Prof. Joanna PAWŁAT
  • Prof. Jarosław SIKORA

Committee of Architecture and Urban Planning

  • Prof. Jan WRANA

– The election of our scientists to the Committees of the Polish Academy of Sciences is, of course, prestige for the university, but also confirmation of their excellent position in the scientific community. It was their individual achievements and high scientific activity that were of key importance here - says the rector, Prof. Zbigniew Pater.

The rector is convinced that the participation of Lublin University of Technology scientists in the committees will bring long-term benefits. The main goal is to strengthen the university's position as a center of scientific excellence, which may be confirmed by obtaining the status of a research university.

The committees of the Polish Academy of Sciences are the national representation of various scientific communities and disciplines. Their members are elected by the scientific communities of particular fields - mathematicians, mechanical engineers, sociologists, etc. Elections to the committees take place every four years and the process is carried out by members of individual units.

The committees act as advisory and consultative bodies. They develop scientific opinions and expertise for the state administration and help in solving specific scientific issues. They give opinions on normative acts concerning science, its applications and education. The committees also disseminate and implement research results and support the development of individual disciplines.


Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki Lubelskiej" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17

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