Our scientists among the best in the world


Scientists from Lublin University of Technology were included in a prestigious ranking of the most influential people in the world of science for 2019. The TOP 2% list contains the names of the researchers whose publications are the most often cited by other authors.

The TOP 2% ranking is developed by analysts from Stanford University, Elsevier Publishing House and SciTech Strategies. It evaluates the entire scientific output of researchers according to the bibliometric index, taking into account such criteria as: the Hirsch index, the number of citations (including self-citations) and the position on the list of authors.

The TOP 2% ranking includes almost 160 thousand scientists representing 22 disciplines divided into 176 more specific fields. The list includes 726 scientists representing Poland.

Below you can find the lists of  LUT scientists in the order of their appearance in the rankings.


Marek Kosmulski
Keshra Sangwal
Zbigniew Pater
Tomasz Sadowski
Grzegorz Golewski
Waldemar Wójcik
Tomasz Kołtunowicz


Marek Kosmulski
Grzegorz Golewski
Keshra Sangwal
Wojciech Franus
Waldemar Wójcik
Grzegorz Litak
Tomasz Sadowski
Dariusz Mazurkiewicz
Zbigniew Pater
Arkadiusz Gola
Piotr Smarzewski
Piotr Kisała
Grzegorz Kłosowski
Jerzy Józwik
Tomasz Kołtunowicz
Jarosław Pytka

The complete rankings are available here


Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki Lubelskiej" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17

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