New technologies, new threats. CYBER DAY at LUT


On October 11, 2023, an event called CYBER DAY took place at Lublin University of Technology, gathering representatives of authorities, business, scientists, students, experts from both Lublin University of Technology and companies specializing in cybersecurity. The partner of the meeting was Enterprise Europe Network, which supports internationalization and digitization of small and medium-sized companies in the region.

The meeting was opened by the rector of LUT, Prof. Zbigniew Pater, who announced the creation of the Interdepartmental Center for Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence, popularly called “IT Tower”. The rector expressed gratitude for the financing obtained for the construction of this new facility, emphasizing the importance of support from the Polish authorities, in particular the Deputy Minister of Finance Artur Soboń.

He emphasized that Lublin University of Technology had qualified staff to conduct activities in the field of education, research and commercialization in the area of information technologies. In the presence of entrepreneurs gathered at the conference, the Rector emphasized the importance of cooperation with companies, saying: It is extremely important because we strive to create synergy between the university and business.

In turn, Minister Artur Soboń drew attention to Lublin's huge potential in the IT industry. He pointed out that there are over 100 companies with this specialization registered in Lublin. The minister expressed satisfaction with the fact that new jobs will be created in Lublin, and at the same time emphasized the importance of staff education, noting that the IT industry is the future of the Polish economy.

Dr. Marek Dietl, President of the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange, noted that the IT industry is developing best in medium-sized cities such as Lublin. Congratulating on the new IT Tower investment, he expressed his belief that it would be a factor stimulating the development of both Lublin University of Technology and the city itself.

The next point of the program was a lecture by the Vice-Rector for General Affairs and Development, Prof. Dariusz Czerwiński, entitled "Cybersecurity in your company". During the lecture, Professor Czerwiński focused on the questions and problems he received from companies in the context of cybersecurity. They concerned security against hacker attacks, cybersecurity trainings for employees, data protection and development of IT security policies in companies.

The discussion, led by Paweł Chrapowicki, director of the Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer of LUT, brought valuable views and conclusions related to network security.

The panel discussion was extremely substantive, and the perspectives and views of experts from companies dealing with cybersecurity on a daily basis were particularly valuable. Jakub Godula from DataArt and Piotr Chruściel from Asseco Business Solutions provided valuable insights into the challenges of online protection and strategies for counteracting threats.

After the panel, the participants had the opportunity to ask questions to the experts. The discussion turned out to be fruitful and provided a lot of practical information. After the official part of the event, the participants moved on to more casual conversations behind the scenes, which lasted until late afternoon. It was there, in a less official atmosphere, that the exchange of experiences and ideas on cybersecurity continued.

CYBER DAY at Lublin University of Technology emphasized the importance of online security and created a platform for active discussion and exchange of knowledge between scientists, business representatives and government institutions. This event is an important step towards strengthening cybersecurity awareness and activities in our country.



Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki Lubelskiej" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17

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