Meeting as part of the Defense and Security Network of Technical Universities


Rectors of Rzeszow University of Technology and Kielce University of Technology as well as Prof. Mirosław Wendeker from the Department of Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics and Aviation Proplusion Systems of LUT, met during the 31st International Defence Industry Exhibition MSPO in Kielce.

They took part in a discussion panel devoted to cooperation between the technical universities in the area of development of defense-related technologies. The cooperation of our universities is the response of the Polish scientific community to the needs related to state security.

Prof. Wendeker recalled the previous experience of LUT’s cooperation with PZL Kalisz - a member of the Polish Armaments Group - and emphasized the potential of other consortium members to create new solutions.

The cooperation of 25 scientists from 3 universities concerns a new drive unit for military vehicles. Prof. Wendeker outlined a work schedule that provides for the presentation of recommendations supported by a feasibility study by the end of this year.



Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki Lubelskiej" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17

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