Historic cities with minimal energy consumption


The vision of the historic centers of Zamość, Karlovac and Palmanova, functioning with minimal energy consumption, is becoming reality thanks to an international project. Scientists from four countries are working on modern methods to improve the energy efficiency of historic districts in Zamość, Karlovac and Palmanova. Why there? Because they are extremely valuable (Zamość and Palmanova are on the UNESCO World Heritage List), they have a rich history and architecture, and they also struggle with the same problem - old tenement houses are difficult to heat.

As noted by the project manager, Prof. Bogusław Szmygin from the Department of Monument Conservation of Lublin University of Technology, in Central Europe, over 80% of the energy used in residential buildings is spent on heating.

– Historic centers of historic cities pose a particular challenge. Historic buildings have obsolete parameters and, as a result, the appropriate level of thermal comfort is often not achieved in the rooms. Therefore, in order to protect the environment and ensure an appropriate standard of use, it is necessary to thermally modernize historic residential buildings - argues the scientist.

The project involves researchers from Lublin University of Technology, Croatia - Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar (project leader), Germany - Magdeburg - Stendal University of Applied Sciences,  and Italy - Energy Management Agency of Friuli Venezia Giulia. They are currently working on creating digital maps of historic centers. Such a map has already been created for Zamość.

– We used two thousand photos taken from a drone and 45 scans. Intensive calculations lasted 5 days - says Dr. Eng. Arch. Kamila Boguszewska from the Department of Monument Conservation.

The scientists face the challenges of collecting, analyzing and interpreting data, as well as adapting coherent action plans to the diverse climatic and legal conditions of individual countries.

They have already chosen a method to improve thermal efficiency. Palmanova and Karlovac decided to use photovoltaics and Zamość decided to insulate the walls. The Zamojski Palace annexe will be the testing ground.

– We will use boards made of various materials. Then we will take measurements and assess which ones give the best results, i.e. allow the greatest reduction in energy consumption - says Dr. Eng. Arch. Kamila Boguszewska.

Solutions that prove effective in Zamość, Karlovac and Palmanova will be collected and described. On this basis, action plans will be developed for similar historic centers. Digital plans will be available to officials and property managers. Everyone will find a lot of valuable information here. Such as how much energy a specific building consumes.

"Zero energy buildings for zero energy neighborhoods" (ZEB4ZEN) is an international project implemented under the Interreg Central Europe program. It will last 3 years (until June 2026) and cost over 2 million euros.



Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki Lubelskiej" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17

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