Lublin University of Technology was ranked highest among the Lublin universities in the Webometrics ranking, which assesses the university's recognition on the Internet.
In the latest edition of the Web of Universities (Webometrics) ranking, Lublin University of Technology was ranked 20th in Poland, 542nd in Europe and 1403rd in the world. It was ranked 1st among the Lublin universities.
The main objective of the ranking is to promote the presence of academic and research institutions on the Internet and to encourage universities and scientists to be active online in order to show what they actually do.
The list includes nearly 12 thousand institutions related to higher education from around the world, including over 380 from Poland.
The ranking's methodology is based on three metrics: visibility (impact of web content), transparency (top cited researchers) and scientific excellence (top cited articles).
– Global university rankings are very popular. However, Webometrics has a completely different approach when it comes to assessing the scientific level of individual units. Its purpose is to promote open access to the publication of scientific results. Therefore, great emphasis is placed on communication of the university via the Internet, as well as relying on materials available on the web - says Prof. Zbigniew Pater, rector of Lublin University of Technology.
The Webometrics ranking has been published since 2004 (twice a year) by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC), the largest public research body in Spain.
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