Conference "Vocational education - a reliable choice"


On Monday, April 24, 2023, a conference entitled "Vocational education - a reliable choice" was held in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Lublin University of Technology. The meeting was attended by representatives of the City of Lublin and secondary schools from the Lubelskie Voivodeship, as well as authorities and academics of our university.

The main purpose of the meeting was to present the educational offer of vocational schools run by the City of Lublin for the 2023-2024 school year.

The conference program also included a presentation of the effects of cooperation between the city and Lublin University of Technology in the field of conducting workshops, trainings and other forms of activities dedicated to Lublin school students.



Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki Lubelskiej" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17

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