Bioteka - an innovative „green” library in Lublin


The newly open "green" library Bioteka ("libiorary") - is marked by skillfully combined modernity with natural materials and greenery, rich book and multimedia collections, as well as an excellent venue in the very city centre. The new cultural institution is the combination of two branches of the Hieronim Łopaciński Municipal Public Library. It has been opened in the premises of the former Karczma Słupska at Racławickie 22 street covering over 400 square meters. During the Communist-Regime Era, Karczma Słupska was a legendary restaurant known mainly for its dances to live music, traditional polish cuisine and unique atmosphere.

In the past, an iconic Karczma Słupska was situated at the intersection of Racławickie and Sowińskiego streets. And today, a new municipal cultural institution is being opened in the very same place - combining modern style with the Saxon Garden – a nearby green oasis in the heart of Lublin. Beautiful interiors, great collections and professional service will surely ensure that “Libiorary” will be crowded with readers and will quickly become a favorite place of Lublin residents - says Krzysztof Żuk, Mayor of Lublin.

Currently, Bioteka stores over 35,000 copies of: printed books (18,000), audiobooks (9,000), films and music (7,000). Some copies are dedicated to people with visual impairments, offering books written in Braille and the possibility of recording materials on special devices so-called “readers” (1,500 pieces). It is a place accessible to all readers, including people with physical disabilities. Apart from the main library rooms, there are also other places such as workshop rooms, a game and a computer room. Various temporary exhibitions will be presented in the gallery next to the entrance.

Not only does the Municipal Public Library make its collections available, but also it conducts cultural and educational activities, organizes vernissages and exhibitions, lectures, questions and answer meetings, library lessons, competitions, art classes and other forms (computer classes, reading aloud classes theatre classes, multimedia presentations, board and fictional games clubs, film screenings).

The Municipal Public Library operates 40 branches located throughout the city. The city of Lublin is constantly expanding the library network as part of its strategy. The main aim is to improve the life quality of the residents in districts and make access to culture available to all residents.

We would like to remind you that all in-library services operate in accordance with the adopted guidelines and restrictions during the pandemic times.

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Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki Lubelskiej" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17

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