A hydrogen bus visited our campus


On November 9, 2022, a hydrogen bus manufactured by the ARTHUR BUS company from Lublin, visited our university for a series of tests. The place is not accidental, because our scientists and graduates participated in the work on the creation of the vehicle.

- Their task was to develop mathematical models of the main drive and cooling. In addition, they participated in the work related to the electromagnetic compatibility of the hydrogen bus - emphasizes Prof. Paweł Droździel, vice-rector for student affairs. And he adds: My students are among the constructors. I am proud of them because they made great use of the knowledge gained during their studies at Lublin University of Technology.

Our students and staff participated in the presentation of the bus.

- As part of the classes, I took electrical engineering students to a vehicle show so that they could learn live about the application of technologies in the field of electro mobility, energy storage and green hydrogen. This is a great opportunity to test the solutions that I explain during lectures, using drawings, patterns and photos. It is an example of combining theory with practice, which - I hope - will motivate young people to continue their work - says Dr. Eng. Dariusz Zieliński from the Department of Electric Drives and Machines.

The ARTHUR H2 hydrogen bus is powered by a hydrogen engine and consumes no more than 6 kg of fuel per 100 km. Its range, when fully refueled, is over 500 km. The bus is completely ecological - while driving, it does not emit any poisonous substances into the atmosphere and contributes to a significant reduction in noise in urban areas. The vehicle is low-floor (wheelchair accessible) and fully air-conditioned. The bus has a capacity of 78 passengers, including 32 seated.



Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki Lubelskiej" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17

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