11th Cross-Border Cooperation Congress


We are pleased to announce that registration for 11th edition of Cross-Border Cooperation Congress Lublin 2022 has already been launched. We encourage you to fill out a form on www.kongres.lublin.eu website.

This year’s edition of the Congress will be held on October 5-7, 2022 in a hybrid format (participants onsite in Lublin and on-line), with simultaneous translation into Polish, English and Ukrainian.

- Owing to Russia’s attack on sovereign Ukraine we witnessed events that have changed Europe and the world for good. Russian aggression has caused a number of repercussions. We are yet to see their global impact. Ukraine is fighting for its freedom, and Europe and its local communities have difficult challenges to face humanitarian crisis and millions of refugees –says Krzysztof Żuk, Mayor of Lublin.

The main theme of the 11th edition of the Congress is “Security and Solidarity”. Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and the refugee crisis it triggered, have demonstrated the strength of the bonds between local communities from Ukraine, Poland and the whole democratic Europe. The often underestimated city partnerships, many years of cooperation between cultural institutions, schools, universities and non-governmental organizations have built intercultural and organizational competences that allowed to create an effective system of support for millions of refugees and humanitarian aid to the fighting Ukraine. During the open debate with the authorities of the cities involved in helping Ukraine, we will talk about their experiences from the first weeks after the outbreak of the war. The starting point for further discussion will be the presentation of the experiences of Lublin, where the Lublin Social Committee for Aid to Ukraine was established just a few hours after the outbreak of the war.

As the next year’s European Youth Capital, we invited young people from all over Europe to the meetings and debates. As a result of the initiative “Youth for the City, City for Youth – projects and initiatives involving and including local communities”, we will create space for young people from Poland, Norway, Ukraine and Belarusians for discussion during panels and workshops as well as study visits within the Congress.

This year’s Congress will be accompanied by Cross-Border Cooperation Academy – a week-long workshop for young leaders from the Visegrad Group and the Eastern Partnership on, in particular, activities for intercultural integration.

An important area of the Congress will be the sustainable and innovative development of public transport. Within the project “Move It Like LUBLIN” implemented in partnership with Chișinău, there will be a panel, workshop and study visit on innovative solutions in public transport.

Traditionally, there will be the Grants’ Fair and the Partners’ Forum, combined with the presentation of the new financial perspective of the Programme Interreg NEXT Poland-Ukraine 2021-2027 (former Cross-border Cooperation Programme PL-BY-UA).

Participation in the Congress is free of charge for registered participants.

You are most welcome to join us! Save the date in your schedules now: 5–7 October 2022!


Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki Lubelskiej" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17

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